PoemsThe CanonA Byzantine Nobleman in Exile Composing VersesA Great Procession of Priests and LaymenAimilianos Monai, Alexandrian, A.D. 628-655Alexander Jannaios and AlexandraAlexandrian KingsAnna DalassiniAnna KomninaAn Old ManApollonios of Tyana in RhodesA Prince from Western LibyaAristovoulosAs Much As You CanAt the Café DoorA Young Poet in His Twenty-Fourth YearBefore the Statue of EndymionBefore Time Altered ThemBody, Remember....But the Wise Perceive Things about to HappenCandlesChandelierChe fece .... il gran rifiutoCome BackCome, O King of the LacedaimoniansComes to RestCraftsman of Wine BowlsDangerous ThoughtsDareiosDays of 1896Days of 1901Days of 1903Days of 1908Days of 1909, ’10, and ’11DimaratosEnvoys from AlexandriaEpitaph of Antiochos, King of KommaginiFollowing the Recipe of Ancient Greco-Syrian MagiciansFor Ammonis, Who Died at 29, in 610For the ShopFrom the School of the Renowned PhilosopherGrayGreek From Ancient TimesHe Asked about the Quality―He Had Come There to ReadHerodis AttikosHe SwearsIf Actually DeadImenosIn a Large Greek Colony, 200 B.CIn Alexandria, 31 B.C.In an Old BookIn a Town of OsroiniIn a Township of Asia MinorIn ChurchIn DespairIn SpartaInterruptionIn the Boring VillageIn the EveningIn the Harbor-TownIn the Month of AthyrIn the Same SpaceIn the StreetIn the TavernasIn the Year 200 B.C.IonicIthakaI’ve Brought to ArtI’ve Looked So Much...I WentJohn Kantakuzinos TriumphsJulian and the AntiochiansJulian in NicomediaJulian Seeing ContemptKaisarionKimon, Son of Learchos, 22, Student of Greek Literature (in Kirini)King DimitriosKleitos' IllnessLong AgoLongingsLovely White FlowersManuel KomninosMelancholy of Jason Cleander, Poet in Kommagini, A.D. 595MonotonyMorning SeaMyris: Alexandria, A.D. 340Nero’s DeadlineOf Colored GlassOf Dimitrios Sotir (162-150 B.C.)Of the Jews (50 A.D.)On an Italian ShoreOn Board ShipOne NightOne of Their GodsOn the March to SinopiOn the Outskirts of AntiochOrophernisOutside the HousePassing ThroughPhilhellenePicturedPicture of a 23-Year-Old Painted by His Friend of the Same Age, an AmateurPrayerPriest at the SerapeionSculptor of TyanaSince Nine O’ClockSophist Leaving SyriaTemethos, Antiochian, A.D. 400That’s the ManThe Afternoon SunTheatre of Sidon (400 A. D.)The Battle of MagnesiaThe CityThe Displeasure of SelefkidisThe Favor of Alexander ValasThe First StepThe FootstepsThe Funeral of SarpedonThe Glory of the PtolemiesThe God Abandons AntonyThe Horses of AchillesThe Ides of MarchTheir BeginningThe Mirror in the Front HallThe Next TableTheodotosThe Retinue of DionysosThermopylaeThe SatrapyThe Souls of Old MenThe Twenty-Fifth Year of His LifeThe Window of the Tobacco ShopThe WindowsThings endedThose Who Fought for the Achaian LeagueTo Antiochos EpiphanisTo Call Up the ShadesTo Have Taken the TroubleTomb of EvrionTomb of IasisTomb of IgnatiosTomb of LanisTomb of the Grammarian LysiasTo Sensual PleasureTrojansTwo Young Men, 23 to 24 Years OldUnderstandingUnfaithfulnessVery SeldomVoicesWaiting for the BarbariansWallsWhen They Come AliveYou Didn’t UnderstandYoung Men of Sidon (400 A.D.)