Onassis New Choreographers Festival 8

Available online from Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 of March 2021, at 20:00 (UTC+2)


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Dance and the body on screen. On March 20 and 21, Onassis Stegi will be presenting in two parts the first edition of its New Choreographers Festival to have been created specially to live online. For two days, we’ll be pressing pause on quarantine to feel the pulse of young artists – in motion, with emotion, and back in motion once more.

The Onassis New Choreographers Festival 8 is stepping off the stage to connect with audiences in the only place we can currently be “together”: online, via the Onassis Channel on YouTube.

Now it's your move.

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Saturday 20 March | 20:00-22:00

"Axel’s just dreaming", 16’


"All she likes is popping bubble wrap", 17’ 37’’

"yaGrid", 10’ 18’’

The Diving Horse and Other Mythologies”, 34’ 54’’

ILISSOS / limbo eξótica”, 10’ 17’’

Sunday 21 March | 20:00-22:00

"442, or A Game Without Score", 53’


"The cooking-with-Nadi show", 19’ 33’’

"Besuch", 26’ 46’’

"Pose_Transpose", 1’ 36’’ (Estimated website browsing time 26’ 30’’)


Designed & Curated by: Iliana Dimadi, Konstantinos Tzathas, Steriani Tsintziloni
Production Manager: Dimitra Dernikou
Production Management: Vassilis Panagiotakopoulos, Christina Pitouli
Line Production: Despina Sifniadou, Irilena Tsami, Julia Stamouli
Technical Manager: Lefteris Karabilas
Deputy Technical & Touring Manager: Philip Hills
Coordination of Cultural Exports Activities: Christina Liata
Campaign Design: Onassis Communication Department
Filming Coordination: Christos Sarris
Onassis Channel assistant: Smaragda Dogani
Production: Onassis Stegi