RED RIDING SHOES by Vasilis Vilaras

In the context of Onassis New Choreographers Festival 8


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Filmed in a studio in Kypseli, Adam Khalil’s solo is being turned into a digital fairytale-manifesto against the patriarchy and gendered stereotypes by Vasilis Vilaras.

A dark fairytale by Hans Christian Anderson about a girl doomed to dance herself to death. A legendary 1948 dance film. A femme boy coming of age in Athens, dancing in red shoes. Director Vasilis Vilaras has brought these three elements together to create “RED RIDING SHOES”, a piece that blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction, with the 18-year-old Polish-Egyptian performer and model Adam Khalil (aka terpsichorree) in the lead role.

Director: Vasilis Vilaras

Cinematography & Editing: Alex Vilaras

Text: Kelly Papadopoulou

Performer: Adam Khalil

Editing: Alex Vilaras, Sotiris Vasiliou

Costume Design: Philippos Missas

Set: Marilena Kalaitzantonaki

Makeup Artist: Alexandra Rentzou

Line Production: Thalia Griva

Produced by: Monstera