Pose_Transpose by Myrto Delimichali & Stathis Doganis

In the context of Onassis New Choreographers Festival 8


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Three hundred and fifty days of pandemic experiences bottled into 35 minutes. Because “Pose_Transpose” is at once a performance in public and private space, a film shoot, a film, and a website hosting an utterly idiosyncratic map of the city.

At eleven different points across the city: from Mount Lycabettus to Aghion Anargyron Square in Psyrri, and from Fokionos Negri Street to the Aristidou Arcade. In spaces public and private, on rooftops and inside apartments. Without an audience. And with eleven performers, whose journeys and stops around the city were recorded in situ, giving rise to the film and site map now being presented for the first time.


Concept, Choreography & Direction: Myrto Delimichali, Stathis Doganis

Performers: Antonis Antoniou, Maria Vourou, Myrto Delimichali, Stathis Doganis, Loukiani Papadaki, Thanos Ragkousis, Despina Sanida-Krezia, Fotini Stamatelopoulou, Despina Stasinou

Visual Performance (mask construction): Antonis Antoniou

Music Composition: Rafailia Bampasidou

Filming: Stathis Doganis, Dimitris Tranos

Special thanks: Mersiana Eleutheriadou, Irini Kalaitzidi, Anna Lykouri, Mary Michailidou, Sophia Pouchtou, Anna Chatzioannidi, 'Praxitelous' Bar, Aristeidou Arcade, Orpheus Arcade (Arsakeio), and to all those who contibuted