All She Likes Is Popping Bubble Wrap by Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

In the context of Onassis New choreographers Festival 8


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The screen is split in two. One side shows a montage of archival film images: three girls fishing at a lake, a zombie chase scene, a woman in the bath. The other side shows Ioanna Paraskevopoulou in dialog with the images: using various material resources and/or her own body to devise, create, and produce a new soundtrack to accompany them, thus orchestrating the images aurally and bringing them to life.

Because “All She Likes Is Popping Bubble Wrap” is a sound and image performance, a diptych of parallel actions: a screen divided into two in order to amplify the sound and visual impressions made by selected extracts of archival film footage.


Concept, Direction & Performance: Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Dramaturgy: Elena Novakovits

Audio Technical Support & Sound Design: Danis Chatzivasilakis

Video & Editing: Carlos Muñoz

Archival Material Editing: Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Photography: Miltos Athanasiou, Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Set & Costumes Design: Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Texts: Elena Novakovits

Wooden Construction: Miltos Athanasiou

Special thanks: Christina Sougioultzi, Alexandros Tomaras, Maria Chalkou, Christina Mitsani, Panagiotis Vouros, Athina Vourou, Matoula Koutsari, Danai Giannakopoulou, Panos Giannikopoulos, Marina Markellou and to all contributors