Onassis AiR Programs 2022/23
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In the aftermath of the pandemic and of the major social and political changes happening in the world, we ask ourselves: how do we stay relevant to the needs of our artistic community?
Since the beginning of Onassis AiR, we have worked on shifting the way we work with artists. By practicing peer-to-peer methodologies we have tried to establish a different culture of being and working that is not based on the binary of offering and accepting an offer, and to create a program and space for artists and art workers to set their own conditions for the development of their work.
In order to prevent stagnation and stay relevant to our times, in November 2021 we initiated a process of reassessing the needs of the people who are or will be part of Onassis AiR. Through a series of community meetings with all our past participants our aim is to collectively think and devise a new participatory model for Onassis AiR that actively engages its artistic community in its future programming. To honor the time and energy needed for this process, we decided not to release a new Open Call, but instead open up to existing collaborations and colleagues of the Οnassis ecosystem and to offer the time, space and resources for them to develop their research and practice.
An open-ended program offering time and space, tailored to the individual research needs of our community.
The Tailor-made Fellοwships running between September 2022 to July 2023 are individual research fellοwships that are addressed to the broader Οnassis ecosystem. These Fellοwships adopt an open-ended form and stem from the participants’ needs. All participants are invited to use the Οnassis AiR space and resources in order to develop their proposals without the expectation of presenting a final work. Instead, they are encouraged to engage with the broader community of Οnassis AiR during the fellowship by offering something back to it in the form of a workshop, an in-progress presentation, a lecture or screening, or any other format they wish to propose.
You can find the individual research proposals of all nominated Fellows below.
Noor Abed: The poet is late
Margarita Athanasiou: The Dispossessed Daughter
Orestis Athanasopoulos: Flour/Salt/Water
Tristan Bera: Magnificent Obsessions
Khaleb Brooks: Jupiter’s Song Revived
Federica Bueti: Living Alongside the Holy and the Cursed
Nuno Cassola: Letters From Our Colonial Past
Marianna Christofides: exercises in becoming uncertain
Stavros Chrysafidis: Locality in food production
Marc Delalonde: For an astro-ecology of the self
Anastasia Diavasti & Sumugan Sivanesan: fugitive feminist empathics
Dennis Dizon: to tap, to lean, to twist, to warp
Bryony Dunne: To Welcome a Toadfish
Alkisti Efthymiou: Searching for Katerina, or Danai, or?
Moriah Evans: Remains Persist
Ryan Ferko: Where glass can reflect a sphere
Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė: Fate Songs
Danai Giannoglou: Glossolalia
Marina Gioti: Sounding the Silent World
Arshia Fatima Haq: The Archive of the Unsung
Julian Hetzel: SPAfrica
Stella Ioannidou: Re-assembling Imagination(s)
Harry Isra Muhammad: Jackpot, suddenly
Laure Jaffuel: Mediterranean urban gardens
Christina Kotsilelou: “Let the food be thy medicine…”
Chrysanthi Koumianaki: Score for a future panigiris
Vishal Kumaraswamy: Subaltern Futurism Gatherings
Latent Community: AVATO
Zoey Lubitz & Aslı Özdoyuran: Center for Experimental Lectures at BAS
Manolis Manousakis & Eleni Riga: The sound of Eudaimonia
Marina Miliou-Theocharaki: Whatever is at stake, I take
Inés Muñozcano: An Abode in the Crowd
Margarita Pita: self, free, illusions, of, will / please place in the right order
Paz Ponce: Dialogue process Berlin > Athens
Theo Prodromidis: Following the language that spurts radical pedagogies
Will Rawls: Boi
Miriam Simun: Welcome to the Contact Zone
Lito Skopeliti: Tiny Forests in Athens
Felipe Steinberg: Opening
Prodromos Tsinikoris: The sound of past resistance
Kostas Tsioukas: Necessity is the mother of invention
Nikolas Ventourakis: Rituals for Our Safety Pt. III
Amanda Vincelli: Dear Retreat
Ingrid Vranken: Omen
Lydia Xynogala: The 750 Mineral Springs of Greece (Revisited)
Ioanna Zouli: Can you hear them clapping?
Noor Abed: The poet is late
Orestis Athanasopoulos: Flour/Salt/Water
Khaleb Brooks: Jupiter’s Song Revived
Nuno Cassola: Letters From Our Colonial Past
Stavros Chrysafidis: Locality in food production
Anastasia Diavasti & Sumugan Sivanesan: fugitive feminist empathics
Bryony Dunne: To Welcome a Toadfish
Moriah Evans: Remains Persist
Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė: Fate Songs
Marina Gioti: Sounding the Silent World
Julian Hetzel: SPAfrica
Harry Isra Muhammad: Jackpot, suddenly
Christina Kotsilelou: “Let the food be thy medicine…”
Vishal Kumaraswamy: Subaltern Futurism Gatherings
Zoey Lubitz & Aslı Özdoyuran: Center for Experimental Lectures at BAS
Marina Miliou-Theocharaki: Whatever is at stake, I take
Inés Muñozcano: An Abode in the Crowd
Paz Ponce: Dialogue process Berlin > Athens
Will Rawls: Boi
Lito Skopeliti: Tiny Forests in Athens
Prodromos Tsinikoris: The sound of past resistance
Nikolas Ventourakis: Rituals for Our Safety Pt. III
Ingrid Vranken: Omen
Ioanna Zouli: Can you hear them clapping?
Margarita Athanasiou: The Dispossessed Daughter
Tristan Bera: Magnificent Obsessions
Federica Bueti: Living Alongside the Holy and the Cursed
Marianna Christofides: exercises in becoming uncertain
Marc Delalonde: For an astro-ecology of the self
Dennis Dizon: to tap, to lean, to twist, to warp
Alkisti Efthymiou: Searching for Katerina, or Danai, or?
Ryan Ferko: Where glass can reflect a sphere
Danai Giannoglou: Glossolalia
Arshia Fatima Haq: The Archive of the Unsung
Stella Ioannidou: Re-assembling Imagination(s)
Laure Jaffuel: Mediterranean urban gardens
Chrysanthi Koumianaki: Score for a future panigiris
Latent Community: AVATO
Manolis Manousakis & Eleni Riga: The sound of Eudaimonia
Margarita Pita: self, free, illusions, of, will / please place in the right order
Theo Prodromidis: Following the language that spurts radical pedagogies
Miriam Simun: Welcome to the Contact Zone
Felipe Steinberg: Opening
Kostas Tsioukas: Necessity is the mother of invention
Amanda Vincelli: Dear Retreat
Lydia Xynogala: The 750 Mineral Springs of Greece (Revisited)
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