Tagged items
Michalis Pitidis: Artist in exchange in the context of "ULYSSES: European Odyssey”
Aristotelis Maragkos: T[he] last D[ays] of my Fa[ther]
Yannis Makridakis: People, Drops
Xenia Koghilaki: Collisions, crashes, and other ways of being together
Alexander Zeldin: “A new work inspired by the story of Antigone”
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Margarita Athanasiou: Voices
Christos Polymenakos - CoJAM1312: Corporealities and Dramaturgies as tools for creating a hybrid work employing the body/word Performance Writing methodology.
Christos Papadopoulos: My Fierce Ignorant Step
Manolis Manousakis: Homeriads
Lukasz Twarkowski: QUANTA
Kosmas Nikolaou: Artist in exchange in the context of "ULYSSES: European Odyssey”
Michalis Pitidis: Artist in exchange in the context of "ULYSSES: European Odyssey”
Yannis Makridakis: People, Drops
Alexander Zeldin: “A new work inspired by the story of Antigone”
Margarita Athanasiou: Voices
Christos Papadopoulos: My Fierce Ignorant Step
Lukasz Twarkowski: QUANTA
Aristotelis Maragkos: T[he] last D[ays] of my Fa[ther]
Xenia Koghilaki: Collisions, crashes, and other ways of being together