Part of: Plásmata II: Ioannina

Bookbinding workshop: Following in the footsteps of Ioannina’s typographers

The Onassis Library travels to Ioannina



Participation is free following online registration



Time & Date

Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 July
1st workshop: 10:00 – 12:00
(for children aged 10-13)
2nd workshop: 12:30 – 14:30
(for teenagers aged 14-17)
“Dimitris Hatzis” Cultural Centre (Old Slaughterhouse), Ioannina


Addressed to

Children and teenagers, 10-17 years old


2 hours

Working Language



“Dimitris Hatzis” Cultural Centre (Old Slaughterhouse), Ioannina

Application and selection process

For your participation, please fill in the registration form.
Completing the application does not automatically guarantee a place in the activity.
Participation will be decided on a first-come, first-served basis.

For further information please contact

Department of Educational Programs

+30 210 371 3000


What do Plásmata have in common with the 17th and 19th century Venice typographers from Ioannina? Join this artistic workshop and learn the history of Greek printed books inside and out.

Drawing inspiration from the imaginative printer’s marks of famous publishing houses founded by Epirus merchants of the diaspora, join us to learn the art of bookbinding and make your own handmade notebook to offer as a gift or keep as a souvenir of this activity.

Papers, leather covers, decoration, sewing keys, bone folders, glues, and presses are the tools you will use to practice a craft that will win you over for life. To succeed, you will need to tame two-headed eagles, mermaids with two tails, wild bees, angry griffins, whales, and centaurs, which will come to life before you with the help of new technology, sparking your imagination and unleashing your creativity. Which Plásma would you choose to become your logo and be remembered forever?

The Onassis Library possesses rare publications by the printing houses of Nikolaos Glykys, Nikolaos Saros and Dimitrios and Panos Theodosiou, originating from Ioannina and active in Venice from the 17th to the 19th century.

Venue & Meeting point

“Dimitris Hatzis” Cultural Centre (Old Slaughterhouse), Ioannina


Nikos Anastasopoulos
Assistant Professor of
Modern and Contemporary
Greek History at the Department
of History and Archaeology,
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ioannina
Babis Leggas
Bookbinder and publisher
Stella Legga
Teacher and bookbinder
Theofilos Georgios Petsios
Computer and Informatics Engineer
Renia Papathanasiou
XR designer & developer, Doctoral Candidate – School of Film
at the Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki