Onassis Sexuality Education Day 2019 | Pt. 2

Available from Thursday, March 11 at 11:00


A discussion that lets us speak openly. Without shame or fear. For the good of society. Scientists, specialists, and educators speak at Onassis Stegi about sexuality education in schools as part of the Onassis Sexuality Education Day – a one-day conference held in 2019.

Discussions of interest to us all are being uploaded onto the Onassis Foundation YouTube Channel for the first time.


A round table discussion featuring major organizations active in sexuality education and sexual health awareness, with a view to shaping a framework for further action in the future.

Giannos Livanos: Director of the Greek Association of People Living with HIV – Positive Voice
Giannis Papagiannopoulos: CEO at Homo Evolution; Founding Member of Athens Pride
Kostis Chatzimorakis: Director of “Kentro Zois” (“Center for Life” – an NGO supporting people living with HIV/AIDS, their families, and their partners since 1991)
Elena Skarpidou: Secondary School Teacher; Member of the “Rainbow School” NGO
Dr. Nancy Papathanasiou: Scientific Director & Co-founder of Orlando LGBT+; Adjunct Lecturer at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences and the University of West Attica
Liza Tsaliki: Associate Professor, Department of Communication & Media Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Costas Gkotzamanis: Psychiatrist; Director of the “Topos Psychotherapeias” clinic