The talk of Onassis Sexuality Education Day available on Onassis Channel on YouTube

Wednesday 10 & Thursday 11 of March 2021, at 15:00

A discussion that lets us speak openly. Without shame or fear. For the good of society.

Scientists, specialists, and educators speak at Onassis Stegi about sexuality education in schools as part of the Onassis Sexuality Education Day – a one-day conference held in 2019. Discussions of interest to us all are being uploaded onto the Onassis Foundation YouTube Channel for the first time.

All so that young people can develop and grow, and society can take steps in directions more just and inclusive, thus helping prevent abuse, and promoting consensual relationships founded on mutual respect.

“Are we going to let our children seek answers from any old source?”

Scientists, academics, writers, sociologists, family psychotherapists, primary and secondary school teachers, and representatives of the World Association for Sexual Health, the UNESCO Initiative Tackling Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace, Amnesty International Greece, the Greek Association of People Living with HIV – Positive Voice, Homo Evolution, Athens Pride, “Kentro Zois” (“Center of Life”), the Rainbow School, the “Topos Psychotherapeias” clinic, and the Greek Organization Against Drugs (OKANA) all take part in discussions that concern every one of us.

How much do children and teenagers know about their bodies? About their gender? How much do teenagers and young people know about sex? How much of what they know comes from reliable sources of information? In neglecting to raise children’s awareness on matters of sexual education, we are avoiding an issue that accompanies and concerns everyone throughout their lives. Sexuality is a central and essential part of the human experience, our whole lives through. Sex education starts in early childhood and continues through our teenage and adult lives, providing information on the emotional, social, intersubjective, and physical aspects of sexuality.

Sexuality education aims at developing and strengthening the ability of children and young people to make conscious and healthy choices founded on respect with regard to their relationships, their sexuality, and their emotional and physical wellbeing. It gradually equips and reinforces children and young people with the information, skills, and positive values they need to understand and enjoy their sexuality, form safe relationships, and responsibly face up to sexual health and happiness – both their own, and that of those around them.

High-quality and scientifically sound sexuality education has positive repercussions on their perspectives and values, and can help instill balance in the course of their intimate relationships, thereby contributing to the prevention of abuse and promoting consensual relationships founded on mutual respect.

Wednesday 10 of March at 15:00


A discussion that maps the frameworks surrounding sexuality education and sexual health at a European level, drawing on existing research and current case studies relating to the successful incorporation of sexual health matters and sexuality education into school curricula.

Dr. Pedro Nobre: President of the World Association for Sexual Health
Dr. Osmo Kontula: Research Professor at the Population Research Institute of the Family Federation of Finland; Chair of the Education Committee at the World Association for Sexual Health
Prof. James O’Higgins Norman: Director of the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Center (ABC) at Dublin City University; UNESCO Chair on Tackling Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace


What practices are currently in place at a national level? This discussion presents specific studies of cases and matters relating to issues of both sexuality and health education.

Gabriel Sakellaridis: Director at Amnesty International Greece
Mary Hioni: Director of Health Education at the First Athens Directorate of Secondary Education
Margarita Gerouki: Former Greek Primary School Educational Advisor; Sexuality Education Teaching Resources Writer; Winner of the World Association for Sexual Health Education Award for Excellence and Innovation in Sexuality Education (2019) for her development of teaching materials
Elias Gotsis: Sociologist; Family Psychotherapist & Scientific Director of the Education Department at the Greek Organization Against Drugs (OKANA)

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Thursday 11 of March at 11:00


A round table discussion featuring major organizations active in sexuality education and sexual health awareness, with a view to shaping a framework for further action in the future.

Giannos Livanos: Director of the Greek Association of People Living with HIV – Positive Voice
Giannis Papagiannopoulos: CEO at Homo Evolution; Founding Member of Athens Pride
Kostis Chatzimorakis: Director of “Kentro Zois” (“Center for Life” – an NGO supporting people living with HIV/AIDS, their families, and their partners since 1991)
Elena Skarpidou: Secondary School Teacher; Member of the “Rainbow School” NGO
Dr. Nancy Papathanasiou: Scientific Director & Co-founder of Orlando LGBT+; Adjunct Lecturer at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences and the University of West Attica
Liza Tsaliki: Associate Professor, Department of Communication & Media Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Costas Gkotzamanis: Psychiatrist; Director of the “Topos Psychotherapeias” clinic

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Organized by: Onassis Foundation
Moderator: Dimitris Theodoropoulos
Scientific Research Associate: Margarita Gerouki
Event Co-ordination: Effie Tsiotsiou, Stella Tatsi

Greek Sign Language Interpreters: Sofia Romboli, Tonia Papantonaki, Kostas Christoudoulakos
Filmed by: dot mov
Editing: Dimitris Zivopoulos
Oversight: Melpomeni Maragkidou
Subtitling: Aliki Theodosiou