Nicolas Stemann

Born 1968 in Hamburg. He is one of the representative directors of post dramatic theater. Thanks to working as a musician, too, he can flexibly combine music, video and various media with performance. Strong images emerge from his simple stage that deeply shock audiences.

He has been invited as much as 6 times since 2002 to the Theatertreffen in Berlin, a festival that annually nominates 10 of the most excellent productions premiered in Germany. He is regarded as one of the most renowned directors in contemporary German theater. He won the top award in the 2012 festival with his "Faust I+II" an unabridged version playing for more than 8 hours, He was also selected as "Director of the Year” awarded by the magazine “Theater Heute” the same year. In 2010 he directed his first opera at the Komische Oper Berlin.

Currently, he works at Burgtheater Wien, Deutsches Theater and Schaubühne in Berlin as well as Thalia Theater, Hamburg.