Onassis Library Digital Apps
The “Odyssey” and Greek printing are now just a click away
Thanks to innovative apps designed by the Onassis Library team, children and adults can leaf through Homer's “Odyssey” from home and interact with the “Timeline of Greek printing” as a digital board game.
Entering the wonderful world of the Onassis Library, visitors of all ages have an ally in contemporary technology. With the digital "Browsing through Homer's Odyssey" app, even young children can navigate one of the first printed editions of the epic, which went on sale in Venice in 1542, on their tablets or mobile phones. What's more, the app uses references to literature, film and other art-forms to shed light on the Homeric verses. The “Timeline of Greek printing” app allows users to follow the history of publications, publishing houses and important printers from the 15th through to the 19th century. The applications opens up a "map" on their screen which resembles a "Trivial Pursuit" of printing, from the Greek communities of Venice and Florence to Vienna, Constantinople and Smyrna.
Educational program
Workshop to create an augmented-reality (AR) app
Onassis Library
Onassis Digital Library
Educational program
Digital Game Design Workshop
Onassis Library
Digital programs, Schools
Hack the Map: The Rigas Feraios Charta
Onassis Library
Educational program
Workshop to create a visual reality (VR) app
Onassis Library
Educational program
Digital Narrative Workshop
Onassis Library