Onassis Scholars' Association annual General Assembly 2023
Friday 20 January 2023, at 18:00
The Board of Directors of the association under the name “Onassis Scholars’ Association” invites the members of the association to the Annual Ordinary General Assembly that will be held online via Zoom platform on Friday 20 January 2023, at 18:00. The Annual Ordinary General Assembly will be held online as per health and safety of the participants due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Agenda of the General Assembly includes the following matters:
- Administrative and management accountability of the Board of Directors for 2022
- Report approval for the previous year 2022 – Exemption of the Board of Directors from any responsibility for the actions of this year
- Budget approval for the coming year 2023
- Program of the Association’s future actions
- Electoral committee for the upcoming elections.
All the regular members of the Association that have fulfilled their financial obligations towards the Association leading to the conducting of the meeting reserve the right to participate and vote in the Annual Ordinary General Assembly, according to the provision of the articles 5 and 10, paragraph 1, of the statute hereby.
Since any subscription is deemed paid upon appearing in the Association bank’s account, we encourage all members who wish to settle their subscription (3€) to fulfill their financial obligations the latest by Friday 13 January 2023, at the following Alpha Bank account of the Association and forward the digital receipt to the email address: hsyrou@onassis.org
Name: Onassis Scholars’ Association
IBAN: GR97 0140 2930 2930 0200 2006 143
Transfer message: [First Name/Last Name] – Subscription Year 2023
To ensure the even and safe conducting of the videoconference according to law, all members who wish and reserve the right to participate must follow the procedure below:
a) Confirm that they do not have any pending financial obligations as members of the Association, otherwise they must settle these within the aforementioned due date.
b) Upon settling their financial obligations, according to the above, they must subsequently submit their registration form.
c) On the day of the meeting, use the link that will be sent to them with a second email, in order to be able to access the said platform.
Please note that the registration application is necessary, so that the Association’s relevant bodies can check the submitted information of the members for reasons of participation in the General Assembly and thus confirm these as such, as well as any pending financial obligations. Subsequently, and upon confirmation of the members’ active status and participation right, the relevant link will be accordingly forwarded in order to grant access to the videoconference.
The said videoconference will not be recorded.
In case the quorum number of members is not reached on the aforementioned date, the General Assembly shall convene without a further invitation on Friday 27 January 2023, at 18:00, via Zoom platform – at which time it will be in quorum, regardless of the members present, according to the article 10, paragraph 7, of the statute hereby.
– Panos Minogiannis, President of the Board of Directors
– Maria Doka, General Secretary of the Board of Directors
Onassis Health Day 2021