Onassis Health Day 2021
Healthcare Predictions and Challenges
Time & Date
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The Onassis Foundation, the Onassis Scholars' Association and the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center are organizing the second Onassis Health Day. This time, as a webinar. A conference on health systems, digital transformation of research and healthcare services and necessary adjustments to the Greek health system in the post covid-19 era.
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of those historical events that lead to the acceleration of changes on a scientific, social, political and financial level. The “Healthcare Predictions and Challenges” conference aims to identify these changes, outline our adaptation to them, and explore the opportunities being opened up by these changes for patients, scientists and legislators.
The conference agenda consists of three main sessions. Each session in turn consists of individual presentations and culminates in a short wrap-up by the moderators and a discussion based on key questions raised by the audience. Expert scientists and researchers, academics, politicians and health market representatives share their knowledge and concerns at the point where health policy meets civil society in the post-pandemic era. At a time when public health has become a major political issue, we choose to discuss about the health system of the next 20 years, convincingly highlight the necessity to listen to science and rationality, and understand this new, emerging, digital era. One of the highlights will be the presentation by Dr. Drew Weissman, whose innovative research has made it possible to safely develop mRNA vaccines, which are globally used against COVID-19.
A conference on health systems, digital transformation of research and healthcare services and necessary adjustments to the Greek health system in the post covid-19 era.
The first session is focused on the pandemic as a catalyst for changes on an individual, social, health policy and medical research level. Urged by the political, administrative and medical challenge of responding to the pandemic, we will explore the assets developed in this process on an individual, public health policy, medical research and global cooperation level. We will discuss issues regarding public health and the outbreak of the pandemic in the 21st century, prevention and treatment of pandemics through the mRNA technology, and the prospect of facing future pandemics, as well as investments in the health sector and international cooperation. Furthermore, the first session will deal with the new entrepreneurship patterns that have emerged during the COVID-19 period, and the consequences of the pandemic on both the society and mental health.
The second session is centered on one of the most pertinent issues of our times in relation to healthcare, namely the digital transformation of healthcare, focusing on the use of disruptive technologies, information and data. Besides, digital transformation of healthcare lies at the core of the work that is carried out by Onassis Foundation, with Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center becoming the first completely digital hospital in Greece. Discussion will focus on digital health and how it shapes public health infrastructure and market both nationally and internationally. Through data analysis for the development of smart diagnostic algorithms, improvement of remote access to medical image and information data, adjustment of systems, providers and businesses to the future, elimination of distance between patients and healthcare professionals, discovery of new treatments and in-depth understanding of the revolution of gene analysis, digital transformation guides patients, healthcare professionals, health market and systems towards the personalised medicine of the 21st century.
The final session focuses on the case of Greece. Building on the insights gained from both previous sessions, this session will seek to outline the opportunities that are opened up for us in relation to the Greek health system. The importance of a quality health system, financial restrictions, rapid adaptation of institutions and professionals to the ongoing changes, human resources as a driver for the improvement of the services offered, and the dynamic adaptation to the digital future are brought together under the need for a sustainable, people-centered and clinically efficient health system. The third session will end with the presentation of the report on the National Plan for Solid Organ Donation and Transplantation in Greece.
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10:00 - 10:30 | Welcome address
Onassis Foundation: Anthony S. Papadimitriou, President of the Onassis Foundation
Ministry of Health: Mina Gaga, Deputy Minister of Health
OCSC: Ioannis Boletis, President of Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center
Onassis Scholars’ Association: Panos Minogiannis, President of the Onassis Scholars’ Association
Covid-19: catalyst for change in health policy, medical research and society
Moderator: Marianna Dalamaga, Professor, Medical School, University of Athens, member of the Onassis Scholars’ Association Board
10:35 - 10:50 | The health system in Greece after the pandemic
Elias Mossialos, Professor of Health Policy, LSE, Professor of Health Administration Services, Medical School, Imperial College London, Onassis Foundation Scholar
10:50 - 11:05 | Prevention and treatment of pandemics: The mRNA technique and the prospect of dealing with future pandemics
Drew Weissman (MD, PhD), Roberts Family Professor of Vaccine Research, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
11:05 - 11:20 | From Global to National: Investment in health and transnational partnerships
Marianna Trias, WHO Representative to Greece and Head of WHO Country Office at World Health Organization
11:20 - 11:35 | Research & innovation in the Covid Age
Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister for Development and Investments, Onassis Foundation Scholar
11:35 - 11:50 | Mental health or Covid-19: the next day / The certainties built in times of uncertainty
Dimitris Karagiannis, Psychiatrist-psychotherapist, Professor, Frederick University, Cyprus
11:50 - 12:05 | Wrap-up (Q & A)
12:05 - 12:35 | Break
Digital transformation in Health: technology, information, data
Moderator: Prodromos Tsiavos, Head of Digital Development & Innovation at Onassis Foundation
12:40 - 12:55 | Digital Health as a Digital Governance target
Kyriakos Pierrakakis, Minister of State and Digital Governance
12:55 - 13:10 | Digital Health – A Medical Device Perspective
David Carr, Regional Vice President Austria, Germany, Greece, Israel & Switzerland, Medtronic
13:10 - 13:25 | The contribution of artificial intelligence & data science in Health
Yannis Ioannidis, Professor of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Athens, Former President & General Manager, Athena Research Center
13:25 - 13:40 | Serving the global genetics community
Andreas Massouras, CEO & Founder of Saphetor
13:40 - 13:55 | Remote Medicine
Periklis Giovas, Medical Director Amgen Hellas
13:55 - 14:05 | A glimpse into the future of digital healthcare (video)
Siemens Healthineers
14:05 - 14:20 | Transforming lives with AI – Healthcare wins with Digital Twins
Simos Kokkovos, Digital Health Services Manager, Siemens Healthineers
14:20 - 14:35 | Wrap-up (Q & A)
14:35 - 15:00 | Break
Building a resilient public Health System
Moderator: Alexandros Morellas, Health Program Manager at the Onassis Foundation
15:05 - 15:20 | Strengthening the NHS during the pandemic - Guide for the necessary reforms in the health system
Vassilis Kontozamanis, Former Deputy Minister of Health
15:20 - 15:35 | Health strategy in the midst of the pandemic and the next day in the public Health System
Andreas Xanthos, Member of the Hellenic Parliament, Shadow Minister for Health SYRIZA-PΑ, Former Minister of Health
15:35 - 15:50 | | Health Professionals Training 2021: Virtual and augmented reality, robotics and big data bioinformatics
Eleftherios Tsiridis, Professor and Chairman of Orthopaedic Surgery Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, President of the European Hip Society, Onassis Foundation Scholar
15:50 - 16:05 Leadership in improving health services
Vassilios Balanis, CEO National Organization for Quality Assurance in Health (ODIPY S.A.)
16:05 - 16:20 | | Case Study: Evidence-based National Plan for Transplants
Vassilios Papalois, Professor of Transplantation Surgery at Imperial College London
16:20 - 16:35 | Wrap-up (Q & A)
Content Design
Panos Minogiannis, Efi Tsiotsiou, Stella Tatsi, Alexandros Morellas, Prodromos Tsiavos, Michalis Gialouris, Marianna Dalamaga, Katerina Vourvouhaki
Event Coordination
Stella Tatsi, Hara Syrou, Katerina Magkel, Anastasia Stamatopoulou
Line Producers
Danai Giannakopoulou, Despina Sifniadou
Stage Manager
Christodoulou Vasia
Assistant Stage Engineers
Nikos Nizamis, Aris Ragavas
Lighting Technician
Antonis Kokkoris
Lighting Technicians Assistants
Mohammed Ali, Pavlos Pappas, Pantelis Michas
Theater Electrician
Kyriakos Xanthopoulos
Sound Technician
Theodoros Tsachalos
Sound Technician Assistants
Giannis Gliatis, Dimitris Samaras
Projection Technician
Efstratios Toganidis
Deputy Technical & Touring Manager
Philip Hills
Theatre Technical Department Administrative Assistant
Revekka Stamou
Read more about the speakers
Elias Mossialos
Drew Weissman
Marianna Trias
Christos Dimas
Dimitris Karagiannis
Kyriakos Pierrakakis
David Carr
Professor, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Yannis Ioannidis
Andreas Massouras
Periklis Giovas
Simos Kokkovos
Vassilis Kontozamanis
Andreas Xanthos
Eleftherios Tsiridis
Vassilis Balanis
Vassilios Papalois
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