Invitation to the Onassis Scholars' Association annual General Assembly 2022

Friday, 21 January 2022 at 18:00

Annual General Assembly 2022

The Board of the Onassis Scholars’ Association kindly invites the association’s members to the annual General Assembly that will take place on Friday, January 21, 2022, at 18:00 (UTC +2:00) online at Zoom platform (due to the pandemic). To participate online in the General Assembly, you have to fill in the online Registration Form.

The Agenda of the annual General Assembly is as follows:

  • The Board’s administrative and management report for the year 2021
  • Approval of the report for the year 2021 & Exemption of the Board from any liability for the activities of the year
  • Approval of the forthcoming year’s (2022) budget
  • Outline the program of the Association’s future activities
  • Elections for the members of the Board and the Audit Committee.

All members of the Association are eligible to participate and vote in the above-mentioned annual General Assembly, provided that they have no outstanding financial obligations to the Association (2022 subscription, amounting to 3 Euros) by the beginning of the assembly, in accordance to articles 5 and 10, paragraph 1, of the Association’s statute.

Given that subscriptions are considered paid once they appear in the Association’s bank statement, members wishing to participate in the electoral process that will take place online are kindly requested to fulfill their financial obligations no later than Wednesday, January 15, 2022 to the Association’s bank account at Alpha Bank and send the e-receipt to the following email address:

Account holder: Onassis Scholars’ Association

IBAN: GR97 0140 2930 2930 0200 2006 143


Subject: Name/Surname – Subscription Year 2022

The following procedure will be in place for those members who wish and have the right to participate, in order to secure a smooth and safe teleconference adhering to legal requirements:

a) Members will confirm that they have settled any outstanding financial obligations to the Association, and if not, that they will do so by the above-mentioned deadline.

b) They will subsequently register online.

c) On the day of the Assembly, a second email will be sent to members with a link through which they can access the Assembly on the relevant platform.

Please note that the members wishing to participate must register online so that the relevant body of the Association can process and verify their submitted information, as well as ensure that they have no outstanding financial obligations. Once verified that applicants have an active membership and the right to participate, they will receive a link for the teleconference.

The teleconference will not be recorded.

If there is no quorum during the above-mentioned date, the General Assembly will convene, without issuing a new invitation, on Friday, January 28, 2022 at 18:00 (UTC +2:00) online at Zoom platform, and at that date there will be a quorum regardless how many members are present, in accordance to article 10, paragraph 7 of the Association’s statute.

Instructions for Board and Audit Committee Candidates

Members of the Association with no outstanding financial obligations to the Association can submit their candidacy for membership in the Board or the Audit Committee no later than Tuesday, December 21, 2021 to the following email address: Please note that participation in the Board requires engagement with active and continuous contribution to its various activities.

Please note that in accordance to article 11, paragraph 6 of the Association’s statute, members who have served two full terms in the Board are eligible to stand as candidates two years since their last term ended.

All candidacy applications should be accompanied by the applicant’s headshot (ID size), a short CV (maximum of 300 words in paragraph from), and a brief description of the reasons for submitting their candidacy (maximum of 300 words). Please note that the above information will be uploaded at the Association’s webpage, following the deadline for submission.

Please note that for the purpose of conducting the above-mentioned submission procedure for candidates for the Board and the Audit Committee, the Association will process, in the capacity of ‘data controller’, the candidates’/members’ data that will be collected in accordance with the Association’s statute and the relevant applicable legislation regarding personal data protection, and for the time required to fulfill the above-mentioned purpose. In the event that, through the candidacy application, the candidates provide with data of third parties, they undertake and guarantee that this information has been legally collected by them and they have the right to transmit it to the Association for the purpose mentioned here.

The completion and submission of a candidacy application to the Association is necessary in order for the candidates to declare their agreement for their inclusion in the terms of participating in the above-mentioned electoral process for the Board and the Audit Committee, as hereby notified. Therefore, the non-provision of such data by any candidate will imply the Association’s inability to fulfil the purposes set out herein, as well as in the law, and therefore the rejection of the specific application.

All candidates/members have the rights that are recognized, under the more specific terms and conditions, by law and the Association’s statute (the right to information and access to their data, the right to correct or delete them, the right to object to processing, the right of portability of their data, the right to evoke consent, where provided, and any other relevant right); the exercise of these rights must be taken place in writing by sending the relevant request to the following email address:

In case a specific candidate/member disagrees with the Association’s response to a relevant request and the processing of their data, they are entitled to address a request to the competent supervisory authority (Greek Data Protection Authority), which reviews, within the scope of its competence, written complaints in accordance with the instructions provided on its website.

Panos Minogiannis, President of the Board

Eleni Spyrakou, General Secretary of the Board