Unfolding the history of book
A prestigious library comes to your school and reveals the secrets of notable publications and books.
Photo: Andreas Simopoulos
Imagine that you are touching a book made during the time of Gutenberg; that you are writing with a goose quill pen; binding the pages of an entire novel; engraving linoleum. Or, if you are fond of new technologies, you can then imagine making your own book with a click.
At the time of tablets and screens, there are still secrets hidden in books and their materials.
Browse digitally through a rare book and manuscript library with thousands of rare editions and documents, and get to know the arts and crafts of book making through three different workshops.
The History of Writing | 2020-21
Onassis Library
Educational program, Kids
Little Travelers: Learning the History of the National Garden
Educational program
The History of Bookbinding | 2020-21
Onassis Library
Educational program
Hack the Map: Rigas Velestinlis’ Charta
Onassis Library
Live virtual tours of Onassis Library
Archives in transit 2: Artificial Intelligence, Art and the Environment
The History of Writing | 2020-21
Onassis Library
Educational program
The History of Bookbinding | 2020-21
Onassis Library
Live virtual tours of Onassis Library
Educational program, Kids
Little Travelers: Learning the History of the National Garden
Educational program
Hack the Map: Rigas Velestinlis’ Charta
Onassis Library
Archives in transit 2: Artificial Intelligence, Art and the Environment