Tectonics Athens ’22 | 3rd Day
Time & Date
Onassis Stegi Friends presale: from 09 NOV 2022, 17:00
General presale: from 15 NOV 2022, 17:00
Detailed ticket prices in the following program.
Group ticket reservations at groupsales@onassis.org
Combo tickets
Reduced price by buying tickets for "WHI ensemble" event and "Cat Hope, Anna Pangalou and Supersilent" event | Full price 17 €, Friend 14 €
Norwegians Supersilent, the Athenian WHI ensemble, Japanese-Korean Ryoko Akama, Australian Cat Hope, and the ever-adventurous Anna Pangalou close the curtain on this year’s Athens Tectonics Festival.
What is the sound made by 100 devices being turned on and off? How can we emplace democratic processes in the core of music creation? What are the limits of audibility? How does a composer sonically portray the rare phenomenon of the double rainbow and what role can heat play in a long durational performance? These are only a few questions posed by the third day of Athens Tectonics Festival, which will reach its conclusion with a performance by Supersilent, the emblematic trio from Norway that explores for more than two decades the boundaries of contemporary music.
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Photo: Andreas Simopoulos
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Photo: Andreas Simopoulos
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Photo: Andreas Simopoulos
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Photo: Andreas Simopoulos
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Photo: Andreas Simopoulos
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Photo: Andreas Simopoulos
“shimatsu 12” a durational performance by Ryoko Akama
A solo performance series, Ryoko's “shimatsu” projects her ideas with contraptions made out of objects, domestic appliances, and mundane electronic devices, creating a subtle, sometimes violently silent, listening situation. She is interested in heat and temperature and uses these phenomena to trigger kinetic movement, exploring a thermo ecosystem. This “shimatsu,” number 12, exclusively examines space architecture in a long durational performance.
Free admission, online reservation is required
“At Least One Hundred Devices Being Turned On And Off” (James Saunders, 2012)
“An Unknown Territory” (Alexis Porfyriadis, 2021)
WHI ensemble
In the piece “At Least One Hundred Devices Being Turned On And Off,” we will hear and see exactly what the title of the work describes, that is the sound of 100 devices being turned on and off. Right after, we move to the mechanical environment of James Saunders, and from there to the democratic processes emplaced by Alexis Porfyriadis at the core of his composition “An Unknown Territory.” A WHI ensemble concert, presenting two distinctly different works of contemporary music.
Full price: 7 €
Reduced, Friend, Groups 5-9 people, Companions: 6 €
Groups 10+ people, Unemployed, People with disabilities: 5 €
Three times - we parted - Breath - and I
“Occam Ocean XXIV’ for alto flute (Éliane Radigue, 2018)
“The Long Now II” for bass flute and sub-tone (Cat Hope, 2022)
“Les Serpents” for alto flute and partition concrète (Lionel Marchetti/ Cat Hope, 2022)
Cat Hope, flutes
Like all compositions of the “Occam Ocean” cycle, ‘Occam Ocean XXIV’ has been transmitted to the performer directly by Radigue, without score, in an oral and aural dialogue directed by her. “The Long Now II” is the second in a series for solo instruments and sub-tone, named after the ‘Long Now’ Foundation, an organization that aims to provide counterpoint to today's accelerating culture by encouraging long-term thinking. Lionel Marchetti’s compositions for acoustic instruments begin with a partition concrète, an electronics part that is at once a score, a performer, and a fixed media part.
“Double Rainbow” (Alvin Lucier, 2016)
Anna Pangalou, voice
During the course of the performance two electronically generated pure waves sweep up and down describing the arc of a double rainbow. A female singer sings long tones against the sweeping waves creating beating patterns whose speeds are determined by the distances between the singer’s tones and those of the pure waves. Because the pure waves are continually rising and falling, the resultant beating patterns slow down and speed up.
Arve Henriksen (trumpet, voice, electronics) Ståle Storløkken (keyboards and electronics), Helge Sten (electronics)
The acoustic and electronic sounds of Arve Henriksen, Ståle Storløkken, and Helge Sten close the curtain on the fourth edition of Athens Tectonics Festival. Supersilent, this iconic trio that brings together for more than two decades different musical genres, as well as noise with silence, will give a unique performance at the new amphitheater of the Athens Conservatoire.
Full price: 12 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 10 €
Groups 10+ people: 8 €
Neighborhood residents, Companions: 7 €
Unemployed, People with disabilities: 5 €
Festival Curators
Ilan Volkov, Anne Hilde Neset, Michalis Moschoutis
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