Educational Program

Presenting educational guidelines for positive parenting in the first critical years

Live and in person, and online. Brought to you by the Onassis Foundation, in partnership with the “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital



Free admission, online registration is required


The video is available online

Time & Date

Saturday, January 28
Choremio Amphitheater – “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital & online


Addressed to

Parents, doctors, trainee doctors, nurses, educators, and anyone else – be they professionals or non-professionals – interested in attending.

Available on video

The video of the presentation is available here


Live and in person at the Choremio Amphitheater – “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital & online, via a digital platform


Taking part, either in person or online, is free. Sign up via the registration form.


With a view to supporting new parents and promoting the healthy development of children, the Onassis Foundation – in partnership with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) First Department of Pediatrics at the “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital – is organizing the presentation of two comprehensive guides to child development and strengthening the parent–child bond.

Parents aren’t born, they’re made

Is my child a late talker? When are they supposed to start talking? Why won’t they listen to me? Should I punish them or not? Am I a bad parent? Does too much praise make a child spoilt? Tell me what I can do to raise my child right.

No-one is prepared for what is perhaps the most important role of their life. You know what they say: parents aren’t born, they’re made. As stressful as that might sound, it can also be rather liberating for parents to realize.

Supporting children and parents as they take their first steps

With this in mind, and with a view to supporting new parents, the Onassis Foundation – working in partnership with the NKUA First Department of Pediatrics at the “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital – is organizing the presentation of two comprehensive guides, created during the course of the pandemic and made available for free online, that seek to help parents as they take their first steps on their journey together with their children.

Good enough parenting

Live and in person, or online (via live stream), parents, educators, healthcare and education professionals, students, and anyone else interested in learning more about children’s expected “achievements” as they grow, or else their developmental milestones; about ways of fostering children’s skills; and about an alternative parenting method – good enough parenting – free from notions of “perfection” and “mistakes” and punishment, will get the chance to watch a presentation that features Neny Pervanidou, Associate Professor of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics at the NKUA Medical School, as its key speaker. The presentation will close with a Q&A session and audience discussion with Ms. Pervanidou.


12:00-12:10 | Welcome

Christina Kanaka Gantenbein, Professor and Director of the NKUA First Department of Pediatrics at the “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital

Efi Tsiotsiou, Executive Director and Director of Education at the Onassis Foundation

12:10-12:40 | Fundamental Principles of Child Development

Neny Pervanidou, Associate Professor of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics at the NKUA Medical School, and Head of the Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Unit at the NKUA First Department of Pediatrics – “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital

12:40-13:30 | Strengthening the Parent–Child Bond

Kalliopi Triantafyllou, PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Manchester, Research Associate at the NKUA Medical School,

Psychologist at the Piraeus Child Guidance Clinic – Hellenic Center for Mental Health and Research (EKEPSYE)

13:30-14:00 | Q&A – Audience Discussion

Chair: Christina Panagiotakou, Head of Educational Programs at the Onassis Foundation
Department of Educational Programs

Korina Defteraiou, Despoina Marti, Gina Papamichael, Eleanna Semitelou

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Neny Pervanidou
Associate Professor of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics at the NKUA Medical School, and Head of the Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Unit at the NKUA First Department of Pediatrics – “Aghia Sofia” General Children’s Hospital
Kalliopi Triantafyllou
PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Manchester, Research Associate at the NKUA Medical School, Psychologist at the Piraeus Child Guidance Clinic – Hellenic Center for Mental Health and Research (EKEPSYE)