Life like an open book
A production created and performed by people with intellectual disability
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A production we build step by step as we leaf through the books of our lives together. Experiences, phrases, emotions and moments that have defined us, and which describe what disability means for each of us, provide us with the inspiration to write—and perform, of course! —our own original theatrical work.
Objects, words, images, photographs, music, songs and memories become the raw material we will mould over three months into our theatrical production: a show that sets out to bear witness to the shared experiences of people with intellectual disability, while simultaneously illuminating the singularity of every member of the group—our unique personality and imagination, our sense of humour and our quirks.
With so many books of so many lives opening up at the Onassis Library, and so many of the experiences, phrases and moments that have defined us—and which may well describe, directly or indirectly, what disability means for each of us—tumbling out, it's bound to be exciting.And when the creating and the rehearsals are over, we will perform the work for a teenage audience, with whom we'll have a chance to talk about it, too.
Photo: Yiannis Soulis