Anti-Gone | Theo Triantafyllidis

Commissioned & Produced by Onassis Culture


A Performance in Mixed Reality by Theo Triantafyllidis premiered at the New Frontier of 2020 Sundance Film Festival.

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In a post-climate change world, environmental catastrophe has become normalized. Cities are sunken, yet the vestiges of late-capitalist culture– consumerism, inequality, social unrest – live on, clinging like barnacles to the ruins of civilization. Spyda and Lynxa are a couple navigating this world frictionlessly. On their sailboat, they glide from shopping to movies to psychedelic drugs. In a damaged world where you can have anything you want, what’s the cost?


Anti-Gone, 2020

Duration: 3 acts, 60'

Writer (Original Comic Book): Connor Willumsen

Key Collaborator: Matthew Doyle

Production Manager, Set and Costume Design: Polina Miliou

Curator: Mari Spirito

Cast: Lindsey Normington, Zana Gankhuyag, Matthew Doyle

Composer and Live Music Performance: Cameron Stallones

Lighting Engineer: Connor Childs

Motion Capture and Movement Coach: Rachel Ho

Lead Programmer: Stalgia Grigg

Lead 3D Character Designer: Joseph Melhuish

3D Artists: Sara Drake, Ryan Decker, Siyao Zheng

Motion Capture technology provided by Noitom MoCap

Special thanks to:

The Breeder, Athens

Sundance, New Frontier

Meredith Rosen Gallery, NY

Human Resources, Los Angeles

UCLA Design Media Arts

Bitforms Gallery

Barco Projectors