Onassis AiR Critical PracticesOnassis AiR Critical PracticesTagged itemsWorkshop with Mark LeckeyWorkshop with Markus ShimizuWorkshop with Shady El NoshokatyWorkshop with Irena TomažinFeedback MethodTheory SeminarsThe Thing: An Automatic Workshop in Everyday DisruptionThe Critical Practices Intensive MonthResearch trip to IndonesiaWorkshop with Mark LeckeyWorkshop with Shady El NoshokatyFeedback MethodThe Thing: An Automatic Workshop in Everyday DisruptionResearch trip to IndonesiaWorkshop with Markus ShimizuWorkshop with Irena TomažinTheory SeminarsThe Critical Practices Intensive MonthWorkshop with Mark LeckeyWorkshop with Irena TomažinThe Thing: An Automatic Workshop in Everyday DisruptionWorkshop with Markus ShimizuFeedback MethodThe Critical Practices Intensive MonthWorkshop with Shady El NoshokatyTheory SeminarsResearch trip to Indonesia