Patricia Apergi

Patricia Apergi

Patricia Apergi was born in Athens. In 2006, she founded the Aerites Dance Company, for which she has choreographed the following pieces: “U(R)TOPIAS” (2021), “Hero” (2020), “Polittes (Citizens Defeated)” (2018), “Cementary” (2017), “TANZheimer” (2014), “Planites” (2013), “Era poVera” (2012), “The Manifest of the Other” (2010), “d.opa! (dopamines of post-Athenians)” (2009), “Ferry Tales” (2009), “Apolost” (2008), and “Anorexia Socialis” (2007). Her works have toured widely, appearing at numerous festivals and performing arts venues in Greece and beyond. She has also worked as a movement director for the theater, opera, and art installations – collaborating with Greek and international artists in the process – and has choreographed pieces for dance and ballet companies around the world.

Apergi co-wrote the book “Theatre History – Theatre Studies” (Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Institute for Continuing Adult Education – IDEKE, 2007). She has been a European Dancehouse Network (EDN) Modul-dance artist, and a Maison de la Danse Lyon associate artist. From 2020 to 2022, she sat on the Athens Epidaurus Festival Board of Directors. She teaches dance and theater at the Leonteios School of Athens, where she also serves as a cultural events consultant. She has also taught dance and improvisation at numerous schools in Greece and beyond. In 2021, she founded the first U(R)TOPIAS School of Choreography, an arts project run in partnership with 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture.