Photo: Hasnae El Ouarga


Bouchra Ouizguen



5 — 12 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Upper Stage



Full price: 7, 12 €
Reduced, Friend & Small groups (5-9 people): 10 €
Large groups (10+ people): 9 €
People with disabilities & Unemployed: 5 € | Companions: 10 €

Group ticket reservations at


60 minutes


Five women from Morocco fill the stage with their feminine presence, freedom and vivacity. They are Aitas, women who dance and sing traditional songs in Morocco. Skilled in the art of captivating audiences in even the most adverse conditions, they dance with a moving freedom in a work about life and the women who love it.

Five women from Morocco fill the stage with their feminine presence, their voices and bewitching movements, their stories, freedom and vivacity. In this work, Bouchra Ouizguen’s contemporary creativity is crossed with the rare talents of a group of female performers. They belong to the Aitas tradition of women who dance and sing traditional songs at weddings and nightclubs in Morocco. Schooled in captivating the audience in even the most adverse conditions with the expressive means at their disposal, they have now brought their well-honed skills to theatre. Having joined forces with the choreographer, for nine years now the company has been leaving audiences speechless at venues around Europe while simultaneously debunking the clichés surrounding Eastern women.

“Ottof” is a production about liberation. Since Bouchra Ouizguen invited four wonderful women to join her who had spent their lives working away like ants (“ottof” means ‘ant’ in the Bedouin language), they simply haven’t stopped. On stage, their Mediterranean bodies express their motivations as they move on the cusp of realism and imagination, tranquillity and turbulence, tradition and the modern world. Transforming violence into explosive energy and shedding their veils one by one, they dance with a moving freedom to Nina Simone’s “My baby just cares for me”. Ouizguen has created a work about life itself and about women who love life, warts and all.

Photo: Hasnae El Ouarga

Parallel Events

Wednesday 22 February

Dance workshop with Bouchra Ouizguen

The participants in this workshop will explore the improvisational practices of Compagnie O and be introduced in the process to various Moroccan dances belonging to different cultures from Southern Morocco—dances which do not feature in a classical dance education and which are not even taught in dance schools in Morocco.

Addressed to amateurs and professional dancers, people interested in dancing, dance students and people over 65.
Hours: 11:00–13:00
Reservation and more info:

After performance talk

After performance talk with Bouchra Ouizguen
Moderated by Nina Alcalay, dance theorist


Artistic Direction, Choreography
Bouchra Ouizguen
Dancers, singers
Kabboura Aït Ben Hmad, Fatéma El Hanna, Halima Sahmoud, Fatna Ibn El Khatyb, Bouchra Ouizguen
Lighting Design
Eric Wurtz
Compagnie O
Festival Montpellier Danse, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Les Spectacles Vivants – Centre Pompidou, KunstenFestivalDesArts, La Bâtie – Festival de Genève, Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle de l’Ambassade de France au Maroc
With the support of
Institut Français of Marrakech and of Arcadi
Studio Institut Français de Marrakech
25 June 2015, Festival Montpellier Danse