Kostas Tsioukas

Photo: Geli Kalampaka

Photo: Geli Kalampaka


Kostas Tsioukas was born in Αthens in 1979 and grew up in the city of Sofades, Karditsa. He is a dancer and choreographer. He teaches contemporary dance at the Isadora & Raymond Duncan Dance Research Center.

He has choreographed the works: “Giselle” (Αthens & Epidaurus Festival, 2019), “Our Dances” (MIRfestival, 2018), “Collective Exhibition for a single body” (documenta 14, 2017), “Ataxia” (Skytali, 2017), “Squash” (in collaboration with Anthea Hamilton, Serpentine Galleries, 2017), “When I woke up, my finger nails were cut” (in collaboration with Dimitra Aggelou, Giorgos Euthimiou and Mary Tsoni, Circuits & Currents, 2016), “Romantic Outburst 1” by Efthimis Filippou (Romantso, 2016), “Nijinsky's Diaries” (Apo Michanis Theater, Green Park, 2015), “Roomba Ballet” (Biennale Interieur Kortrjik, Belgium, 2015), “Ant Farms Kabuki” (in collaboration with Anthea Hamilton, British Art Show 8, 2015), “Astral Dances” (ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival, 2014), “Venice The Kabuki Version” (in collaboration with Anthea Hamilton, Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, 2013), “Dead Or Alive?” (3rd Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, 2011), “History of Dance” (Kunsthalle Athena, 2011), “A Delirium of Lyricism” (Dipylon Theater, 2010), “White Floor Over the Ground” (MIRfestival, 2010), “Double Truth” (Arion Grand Royal, 2008), “Forget me Not” (Electro Media Works, 2008), “Simulacra” (Old National University of Αthens, 2007), “Pinocchio” (Αthens & Epidaurus Festival, 2007), “The dance of the Dance” (Perroquet Theater, 2006), “Souvenir” (Αthens International Dance Festival, 2006), “Water and Salt” (Young Choreographers Night, 2003).

As a dancer, he has collaborated with Anthea Hamilton, Claudia Bosse, Fleur Khani, Christina Vasileiou, Mariela Nestora, Konstantinos Michos, Andonis Foniadakis, Apostolia Papadamaki, Aggeliki Stellatou, Annie Vigier & Frank Appertet, Sofia Spyratou, Rallou Panagiotou, etc.

He has worked as assistant choreographer for the productions: “Audition” (Annie Vigier & Frank Appertet, documenta 14, 2017), “When the dove cries” (Andonis Foniadakis, Greek National Opera, 2005–2006), “Les Boreades” (Andonis Foniadakis, Strasbourg Opera, 2005), Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympic Games (Apostolia Papadamaki, 2004).

He has worked as choreographer for the theatrical productions: “The Ecclesiastes” (dir. by Antonis Antonopoulos, Bios, St. Paul’s Anglican Church Αthens, 2018–2019), “Sweeny Todd” (in collaboration with Zoe Hadjiantoniou, dir. by George Petrou, Αthens & Epidaurus Festival, 2017), “Elisa” (dir. by Stefanos Dalasis, Municipal Theater of Trikala, 2014), “Electra” (dir. by Angela Brouskou, Αthens & Epidaurus Festival, 2006).

He has worked as choreographer for the films: “Ultimate Substance” (dir. by Anja Kirchner & David Panos, 2012), “I apognosi tis Mimis” (dir. by Elina Panik, 2008).

In 2013, he was awarded the danceWEB dance scholarship with the support of the Outset Contemporary Art Fund. He has taught contemporary dance to Fine Arts students with DAAD program, to Fine Arts graduate students at Zurich University of the Arts and at the Art High School of Thessaloniki. He graduated from the Greek National School of Dance (KSOT) in 2003 and he is also a graduate of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Αthens (2003).

Kostas Tsioukas is a participant of The School of Infinite Rehearsals of Onassis AiR 2020-21 and of the Tailor-made Fellowships program 2022-23.