Kyriaki Goni: The distance between our eyes

Photo: Kyriaki Goni

Kyriaki Goni’ s installations are like ecosystems or worlds where different human and non-human agents/actors take part. Through these participatory ecosystems, she seeks to connect with a broader audience and spark conversations about our relationship with technology. Goni's practice involves the use of various media and technologies, as well as collaborations with scholars and scientists from multiple disciplines. Her art is informed by the deep past, mythologies, personal memory, and various forms of intelligence and knowledge, which allow her to imagine possible futures. During the residency, Goni will further her ongoing research (working title: The distance between our eyes) on artificial intelligent systems and their intersection with past and future stories of stereotypes and biases, hidden labor, as well as notions of knowledge and truth. At the same time, she will seek to expand her media and tools by experimenting with emerging technologies, which can inform her immersive installations.