Watch on Onassis YouTube
from December 6, 2020

We stay close, not closed.

This week, distance and dance unites us at the Onassis Channel on YouTube. Get ready for 15 hours of dance. Two Sundays are dedicated to the Onassis New Choreographers Festival.

878 minutes of dance, on Sundays December 6 and 13, 2020

How many times did you think that you would like to dance as if no one saw you? On Sundays December 6 and 13, 2020, dance to the end. Dance at home in any way you like, while watching important highlights from the New Composers Festival of Onassis Stegi at the Onassis Channel on YouTube. Celebrating the latest call to new choreographers by Onassis Stegi, we will feature 878 minutes of dance, productions that have stayed in memory, and productions you may have missed: solo and ensemble pieces, great Greek choreographers at their early stages of their career, dancers we admire are all presented one time in our screens in a 15-hour dance feast.

The fifteen-hour homage to the Young Choreographers Festival will be presented in two parts: Sunday, 6 December at 15:00 (4th and 5th Festival) and Sunday, 13 December at 18:00 (6th and 7th Festival). The productions will be featured just once. Scroll down to see the program:

New Choreographers Festival photo gallery

Photo: Ioanna Chatziandreou
"Dandelion" by Ermira Goro and Hannes Langolf

Sunday December 6, 2020 | from 15:00

4th New Choreographers Festival
Hannes Langolf & Ermira Goro, Dandelion
Iro Apostolelli, Umbilicus

5th New Choreographers Festival
Evangelia Kolyra, Code Bend Time
Androniki Marathaki, Hi Jack. Hijack!
Christos Xyrafakis & Andi Xhuma, “Ok, That’s You..
Elpida Orfanidou, Pharmacist Or Balloonist

Sunday December 13, 2020 | from 18:00

6th New Choreographers Festival
Μargarita Trikka / Prolet Ocd, A Punch Of Losers
Danae Dimitriadi & Dionysios Alamanos, ΑΤΜΑ
Myrto Grapsa, Brighter
Ropis Co, Dépaysement

7th New Choreographers Festival
Christos Mouchas, Α Little More Than Nothing
Iro Vasalou, Becoming With Animal
Anastasia Valsamaki, DisJoint
Candy Karra & Chara Kotsali, Manoeuvre_
Georgia Tegou & Michalis Theophanous, Reverie
Dafin Antoniadou & Alexandros Vardaxoglou, Vanishing Point

Learn more about all the productions