Digital Material | Coronavirus and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

What should we tell to an adult, a teenager, or a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder about coronavirus? How can families, teachers and professionals help them make sense and adjust smoothly to these new conditions? Discover our digital educational materials. Stand by and safely support those with ASD close to you.

The pandemic constitutes a challenge for society as a whole, let alone those who are in the broad autism spectrum. In the context of offering information and support, a guide has been compiled with special educational material addressing the needs of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and the needs of their families, teachers, and therapists.

The guide consists of a brief overview of the world of autism as well as educational materials: a video about the special challenges faced by both children and adults with ASD due to the pandemic, a recorded webinar for health professionals, and illustrations narrating social stories as well as the social circle technique.

This material aims to correctly inform individuals with ASD about the ways through which they can protect themselves and others during the pandemic.

Addressed to families of children and teenagers with ASD, adults with ASD, teachers of elementary and high-school education, special education therapists, mental health professionals.

Addressed to

Families of children and teenagers with ASD, adults with ASD, teachers of elementary and high-school education, special education therapists, mental health professionals.

Scientific Committee
Angeliki Gena: Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Special Education, University of Athens

Katingo Hadjipateras-Giannoulis: Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Psychology, Deree – The American College of Greece

Katerina Drosinou: Special Education Teacher