Ioanna Portolou / Griffón Dance Company
Time & Date
Full price: 7, 15 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 12 €
Groups 10+ people: 11 €
Νeighborhood residents: 7 €
People with disabilities & Unemployed: 5 € | Companions: 10 €
Group ticket reservations at groupsales@onassis.org
Strobe lights will be used during the performance
45 minutes
Happiness in life presupposes a risk. But do we take the risk in order to be happy? What will happen, if you follow five dancers who do not fear plunging with great speed into the void, in pursuit of happiness?
Ioanna Portolou’s new work focuses on risk. Her approach, though, does not explore so much the physical aspects of the notion, but rather the cost entailed in subjective risk, in conquering or losing what is important to each one.
She positions herself on that fine dividing line, where the body is freed from fears and resistances, loses control, and opens itself to what remains secret, repressed, and untold. Five performers take as their starting point a musical universe that flirts with the excess and lightness of the 1980s, chasing the fleeting aspect of happiness, carefree fun, and the sense of sharing with others this unexpected joy without censorship.
Happiness in life presupposes a risk. But do we take the risk in order to be happy? On the one hand, there is intense fear of exposure, of a ‘plunge in the void’. On the other, there is the rare sense of freedom when we are called to take a risk, to chase our dream. The choreographer creates an imaginary space, through which each one feels safe enough to offer an unknown and unique version of oneself.
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Artwork: beetroot
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Photo: Ioanna Chatziandreou
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Photo: Ioanna Chatziandreou
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Photo: Ioanna Chatziandreou
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Photo: Ioanna Chatziandreou
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Photo © Ioanna Chatziandreou
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Photo: Ioanna Chatziandreou
Tuesday 16 January
After performance talk with Ioanna Portolou
Moderated by Christiana Galanopoulou, art historian & artistic director of MIRfestival
Ioanna Portolou
Ioanna Portolou and the dancers
Ioanna Apostolou, Nikoletta Karmiri, Cecil Mikroutsikou, Yiannis Nikolaidis, Ilias Hatzigeorgiou
Music Dramaturgy
Antonis Palaskas
Ioanna Tsami
Tasos Palaioroutas
Assistant Choreographer
Danae Giannakopoulou
Assistant to the Set & Costume Designer
Ifigenia Ntaountaki
Myrto Apostolidou
Video documentation
Grigoris Panopoulos / makeyourownfilms, Aristotelis Papakonstantinou
Danai Kapranou
Georgios Papadopoulos, Christina Geradamou
Legal Counselling
Katerina Chatzianastasiadou
Costume Construction
Production Co-ordination-Communication
Giorgos Katsonis
Production Manager
Manolis Sardis / PRO4
Assistant Production Manager
Christina Polychroniadou
Produced by
Onassis Stegi-Athens
Special thanks to
Natassa Kladeutira, Eirini Bramou, Ivan Sebastiani, Charles Corley
Sponsoring / partnerships
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