Rasp Your Soul
Kat Válastur
Time & Date
Onassis Stegi Friends presale: from 17 MAY 2018, 17:00
General presale: from 24 MAY 2018, 12:00
Full price: 7 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 6 €
Groups 10+ people, Νeighborhood residents, Unemployed, People with disabilities & Companions: 5 €
Group ticket reservations at groupsales@onassis.org
60 minutes
The Onassis Stegi hosts the Berlin based Greek choreographer Kat Válastur, who creates a liberating experience, a solo for a “humanoid with sensitive skin”.
In “Rasp Your Soul”, partly a dance piece and partly a choreographed concert, the performer Enrico Ticconi impersonates a mythical or even meta-mythical being, whose every cell emits signals about the radiance – real and fictitious – of human existence. Through his effect on space, he creates a dynamic force field: vocal disruption, slang, whispers and digital echoes/overtones converse with a series of mobile “monuments” and precarious gestures that seem to emanate from the remnants of our digital world. Wild beast or narcissistic sex object, ceremonial creature or digital spectre? Enrico Ticconi keeps switching identities and, deriding the concept of the “real”, he invites us to consider our flesh and bones.
“Rasp Your Soul” is the opening solo in a series of works under the general title, “The Staggered Dances of Beauty”, in which the choreographer re-evaluates mythology as a tool of re-examining contemporary issues.
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Photo: Kat Válastur
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Photo: Leon Eixenberger
Concept, Choreography, Texts/Articulation
Kat Válastur
Performed by
Enrico Ticconi
Set Design & Sculptures
Leon Eixenberger
Lighting Design & Light Objects
Martin Beeretz
Sound Design/Music
Bryan Eubanks
Additional Sounds
Kat Válastur
Choreographer's and production's assistance
Guilia Amici
Kat Válastur
Costume assistance
Sofia Vannini
Production Management
björn & björn
Touring & Distribution
Nicole Schuchardt /HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Kat Válastur
Hebbel am Ufer HAU (Berlin), Onassis Stegi-Athens, Theater Freiburg, Kunstencentrum STUK (Leuven), Stichting Châtel sur Place (Amsterdam)
Funded by
Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NET (NPN)
Coproduction funding dance supported by
he Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
With the support of
TATWERK | Performative Forschung, Uferstudios, Tanzfabrik Berlin and ada Studio
Presented in the context of
[DNA] Departures and Arrivals
with support by
Culture Program of the European Union.
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