Granma: Trombones from Havana
Stefan Kaegi — Rimini Protokoll
Time & Date
Onassis Stegi Friends presale: from 22 NOV 2019, 17:00
General presale: from 29 NOV 2019, 17:00
Full price: 5, 7, 15, 20, 24 €
Reduced, Friend & Groups 5-9 people: 12, 16, 19 €
Groups 10+ people: 11, 14, 17 €
Neighborhood residents: 7 €
People with disabilities, Unemployed: 5 €
Companions: 10€
Group ticket reservations at
Stefan Kaegi, a founding member of Rimini Protokoll, boards the legendary yacht “Granma” to recreate the Cuban utopian vision and its disappointments, 63 years later.
Photo: Ute Langkafel
What if the Cuba of Fidel Castro could live again? What if the generation of young Cubans were dreaming of a different utopia? What if the trombones of Buena Vista were to sound again?
Stefan Kaegi, co-founder of Rimini Protokoll, turns back time by 60 years, in order to recreate the myth of the Cuban revolution. This time, History isn’t written by Castro and his comrades, but by their grandchildren.
Four of the descendants of the comrades who would change the landscape of Cuba in the sixties mount the stage of the Onassis Stegi to play their ancestors. But the adventures of that older generation assumes another dimension as they meet the hopes of the young people who are now in charge of writing History.
Legends and reality, utopias and dystopias, revolutionaries of a bygone era and young people of today, past and future meet in a courageous piece of documentary theater. In a Cuba which is continuously changing, as answers are urgently sought for contemporary sociopolitical questions, the pre-revolutionary music of Havana is still playing.
A revealing look at Cuba from the 1956 revolution to today.
Stefan Kaegi sought out over 50 descendants of Cuban revolutionaries in the course of his research for this project. Their response was warmer than anyone could have expected, so he decided to choose four of them to work with further, in order to give a sense of Cuba as seen through their eyes: Daniel (mathematician and cinematographer), Christian (software programmer), Milagro (history student), and Diana (musician).
“Granma” was the name of the American-built yacht that repatriated the Cuban revolutionaries from Mexico in 1956. Later, the boat passed into the possession of Faustino Perez—the central narrator of the performance—who was one of Castro’s leading men, first minister for the nationalization of property and redistribution of wealth, as well as Daniel’s grandfather. “Granma” was also the name that the Castro regime gave to a daily newspaper, a mouthpiece for its politics.
For the needs of the performance, Diana, the granddaughter of a musician who took part in the legendary “Orchestra Maravillas de Florida,” took on the task of teaching trombone to the three other protagonists.
“Granma: Trombones from Havana” had its world premiere at Berlin in the Maxim Gorki Theater in March, 2019 .
Friday 20 December
After performance talk
Moderated by Anestis Azas, director
Concept & Direction
Stefan Kaegi
Aljoscha Begrich
Mikko Gaestel
Ari Benjamin Meyers
Sound Design
Tito Toblerone, Aaron Ghantus
Aljoscha Begrich, Yohayna Hernández
Julia Casabona
Technical Direction & Lighting Design
Sven Nichterlein
Production Management
Maitén Arns
Milagro Álvarez Leliebre, Daniel Cruces-Pérez, Christian Paneque Moreda, Diana Sainz Mena
Video Collaboration
Marta María Borrás
Dramaturgical Collaboration
Ricardo Sarmiento
Assistant Director
Noemi Berkowitz
Assistant Stage Design
Julia Casabona
Production Assistants
Federico Schwindt, Dianelis Diéguez
Joana Falkenberg (Stage), Ignacia González (Direction), Lenna Stam (Costumes)
Touring Management
Maitén Arns, Federico Schwindt (on tour)
Meret Kündig, Federico Schwindt (on tour)
Meret Kündig, Franziska Muche, Anna Galt, Marta Vukovic, Adrien Leroux (Panthea)
Surtitles translation
Konstantinos Paleologos
Trombone lessons
Yoandry Argudin Ferrer, Diana Sainz Mena and Rob Gutowski Research Cuba: Residencia Documenta Sur, coordinated by Laboratorio Escénico de Experimentación Social: Maité Hernandéz-Lorenzo (investigadora y periodista), Karina Pino Gallardo (residente), José Ramón Hernández Suárez (residente), Ricardo Sarmiento Ramírez (residente), Taimi Diéguez Mallo (residente) y Miriam E. González Abad (productora).
A Production of
Rimini Protokoll and Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin in coproduction with Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Festival TransAmériques (Montréal), Kaserne (Basel), Onassis Stegi (Athens), Théatre Vidy (Lausanne), LuganoInscena-Lac (Lugano), Zürcher Theaterspektakel (Zyrich), Festival D'Avignon.
Funded by
the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
In collaboration with
Goethe Institut Havanna
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