Stefan Kaegi

Photo: TTFotografie/Schauspielhaus Zürich

Almost twenty years have passed since Stefan Kaegi first started his traveling around the world, in his effort to work with simple people or “everyday life experts”, as he calls them.

Spanning an area from Europe to Asia and Latin America, he has granted leading roles to non-professional actors, who have nevertheless interesting stories to tell – be they Bulgarian truck drivers or Brazilian police officers. Thanks to their contribution, the Swiss director has created documentary theater pieces, radio plays, and installation-performances in the urban space.

As one of the founding members of the famous theater group Rimini Protokoll – along with Daniel Wetzel and Helgard Haug – and through his interdisciplinary method, he investigates the notion of reality, attaining an unanticipated directness in his relation to the audience.

He has received numerous distinctions, both as a group member and an individual. Among others, he was the recipient of the European Culture Foundation’ Routes Award for Cultural Diversity in 2010, while, as a member of Rimini Protocoll, he has shared the European prize “New Realities in Theater” in 2008, as well as the Silver Lion at the Venice Biennale for Performing Arts in 2011.