Keynotes & Discussion Panels

Climate Culture

Artists, academics, activists, policy makers and cultural practitioners gather in Athens to discuss upon the art of sustainability. The Climate Culture program consists of 4 keynotes by important figures from the world of the arts, culture and environmental policy, and 4 panel discussions about the themes of climate justice, environmental policies, best practices and the role of art in combating the climate emergency respectively.

Week 1 | 7-13 June 2021

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People become increasingly aware that response time to climate crisis is getting shorter. All sectors should play their respective part, and culture is no exception. By improving their environmental footprint, and promoting works and ideas that motivate society, cultural spaces are an integral part of this effort.

Keynote 1: “From policy to practice: notes from the field”

Alison Tickell, Founder and CEO, Julie’s Bicycle

Week 2 | 14-20 June 2021

Keynote 2: “Hope is better than optimism”

Cory Doctorow, Writer, activist, journalist

Week 3 | 22-27 June 2021

Keynote 3: “Culture and Climate: Beyond Borders”

Frances Morris, Director of Tate Modern

Week 3 | 28 June - 4 July 2021

Keynote 4: “Geostories”

Design Earth

During their talk the artists will broadcast their artwork “Elephant in the Room”

Sunday 4 July 2021 | 12:00

Keynote 5: “From outside the horizon to inside the horizon”

Olafur Eliasson, Artist

If we are going to succeed in addressing climate change, we need creative solutions and positive, hopeful visions of the future. Art is engaged in making abstractions tangible, real, and relevant to our lives, turning the impossible into the possible. Through art and culture, we can conceive of alternative, inclusive, and more-than-human futures and motivate climate action.