Climate Culture: Best practices in the cultural and creative industries sector

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Social responsibility, activism, green economy, and circular fashion. Four diverse initiatives with a common goal: shaping of a ‘green’ eco-conscious society.

Pioneering organisations and visionary practitioners, who have adopted environmental sustainability as a core value of their work, are leading the way towards a more sustainable cultural sector. Best practice examples bring the global climate agenda within their local context and translate it into action, by inventing new cultural paradigms, building artistic and social synergies, questioning the aesthetic norms or redefining institutional values. However, the climate emergency requires such initiatives to be adopted by the cultural sector at scale and the sharing of best practice offers both motivation and ‘know-how.’ This panel presents four different manifestations of sustainable practice, covering a wide range of possibilities, from green management and social responsibility to activism, from eco-conscious urbanism to reconceptualising fashion.

ufaFabrik, a ground-breaking urban experiment in Berlin; Vovousa Festival, a cultural and environmental event in the mountainous Greek hinterland; Reet Aus, a designer spearheading circularity in Estonia; and Onassis Stegi, a leading cultural organisation ‘going green’: this panel’s guests will share their inspiring stories and insights, the challenges of not ‘doing business as usual,’ but also their hopes and perspectives for the climate cultures of the future.

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Reet Aus, PhD, Researcher and Designer
Christos Carras, Executive Director, Onassis Stegi
Faidon Moudopoulos - Athanasiou, Archaeologist and Heritage Professional / Vovousa Festival
Sigrid Niemer, Board member of the International Culture Centre ufaFabrik, Berlin, Germany

Iphigenia Taxopoulou, mitos21 General Secretary and Julie’s Bicycle Associate