Water Rhythms: Listening to Climate Change

Michele Koppes and Susie Ibarra

“Water Rhythms” is the story of climate change as told by ice and water. It is the acoustic story of our entanglements with a changing climate and changing landscapes and waterscapes of our own making. Through “Water Rhythms” we invite listeners into more embodied ways of understanding how we are inextricably connected to the Earth’s freshwater, by bringing sound, music and science together, in dialogue.

Artists: Michele Koppes and Susie Ibarra

Title of the work: Water Rhythms: Listening to Climate Change

Year: 2021

Medium: Podcast (audio recording)

Duration of the work: 26 min, 12 sec

Copyright owner: S. Ibarra and M. Koppes

Language: English

Commissioned by Counterflows

Produced by Alannah Chance