Photo: Astrid Karger

Arditti Quartet & Jennifer Walshe



5 — 15 €


Onassis Stegi

Time & Date

Main Stage



Full price: 7, 12, 15 €
Reduced, Friend & Small groups (5-9 people): 6, 10, 12 €
Large groups (10+ people): 5, 9, 11 €
People with disabilities & Unemployed: 5 €
Companions: 10 €

Group ticket reservations at T.: +30 213 017 8176 and


90 minutes (with interval)


Digging up the past? No! This is an attack to the future by the musical ensemble Arditti Quartet, which presents contemporary works for strings by Harrison Birtwistle and Jennifer Walshe at the Main Stage of the Onassis Stegi.

Arditti Quartet is a unique case in contemporary music scene. Founded in 1974, it has since performed hundreds of works for string quartet and chamber music. Their performances are points of reference in terms of their musicality and technical virtuosity. An important element of their approach is their close collaboration with the works’ composers, whenever this is possible.

“The Tree of Strings” (2007) is the second string quartet by Harrison Birtwistle (b. 1934). Episodes of absolute stasis alternate with moments of intense or extended rhythmic action in one of the most expressive recent works by Birtwistle. Towards the end of the work, the four performers gradually move away from the stage, leaving alone the cellist to complete the work, giving to the music a sense of emptiness.

When this text was being written, little was known about the most recent string quartet of Jennifer Walshe (b. 1974). A co-production of the Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik 2016, the Onassis Stegi, SNYK (Danish center for contemporary, experimental music and sound art), November Music, and Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, it received its world premiere on 2 August 2016 in Darmstadt. It could be considered as a quintet, since the composer herself also participates in the performance at the vocal parts. As it is often the case with Walshe’s works, “EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT” also includes electronics and video playback. The work explores, among others, the notions of nature in contemporary technological era.

Photo: Astrid Karger


Harrison Birtwistle, “The Tree of Strings” (2007)

Jennifer Walshe, “EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT” (2016)

Composer Jennifer Walshe will also be involved in the performance of her work “EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT” at the vocal parts.

Parallel Events

Tuesday 14 March

After performance talk with the musicians
Moderated by Christos Carras, General Director and Artistic Director of Music at the Onassis Stegi

Wednesday 15 March

Masterclass by Arditti Quartet ( Reservation and more info: T: 213 017 8002, Email: )
Workshop with Jennifer Walshe ( Reservation and more info: T: 213 017 8002, Email: )


Irvine Arditti
Ashot Sarkissjan
Ralf Ehlers
Lucas Fels

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