Cavafy Archive | “The God Abandons Anthony” | Seven poems, Seven lessons


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Seven meetings about seven C.P. Cavafy poems. In each one of them, the analysis of a particular poem is followed by a comprehensive discussion concerning Cavafy’s work. In one of the seven meetings-lessons, Christina Dounia, Professor of Modern Greek Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens analyzes the poem “The God Abandons Anthony”. The starting point of each meeting is the analysis of a particular poem by C.P. Cavafy, with the aim to expand on analyzing the literary and cultural context in which these works were written. Each poem becomes a bridge leading to a larger discussion, examining the connections with other works by Cavafy and by other Greek and foreign literary figures and artists. The conversation took place on 22.04.2017 at the Onassis Library.