X Apartments by Leonidas Konstantarakos (Alaska)

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A documentary on the May 2015 Onassis Stegi dérive-performance of the same name, which centered on fifteen apartments along two tours through overlooked Athenian neighborhoods, with an audience of two at a time. Following the spectators, and speaking with the curators, artists and residents, the film seeks out the boundaries between art and reality, private and public space. The film was screened at the 19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival in 2017. The “X Apartments” project, conceived by Matthias Lilienthal, took place as part of the second Fast Forward Festival in May 2015, and was curated by Katia Arfara and Anna Mülter. It invited audiences to wander through unknown private zones of the city, on walking visits to the houses of their fellow citizens – a theater experience that was genuinely situational, a participatory theater of familiarization and co-existence. Greek and international directors and filmmakers, architects and artists, actors and choreographers reshaped these private residences into scenic spaces, presenting their performances in situ.