Apply-Degger: A Podcast with Simon Critchley | Episode 7: Inauthentic Life


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Back to everyday life – This is not a philosophy of culture – Idle talking, gossiping, scribbling, updating – Curiosity, the delight in sight - Concupiscence, eye-lust - The horror of liveliness (Hedda Gabler) - Flirting and the phenomenology of the sexy – Ambiguity, the speed of life – Everything means something else – Being against one another – Falling is not bad – Tempting – Tranquilizing (cultural exoticism, Western Buddhism) – Alienating (self-deception) – Entangling (the triumph of the therapeutic) – Turbulence (groundless floating) – The structure of thrownness – Not a night view of Dasein, but day-time.

Introductory music: “Esse” by Zenon Marko. © 2019 Disreality. Included with permission.