Apply-Degger: A Podcast with Simon Critchley | Episode 14: Ecstatic Temporality


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Unwavering discipline – Authentic Dasein is the unity of the three ecstases of time – The three-step rhythm of temporality – The future as coming towards itself – What comes out of the future is my having-been, the past –The past is null, but not annulled – The curtains lift on action – The future opens up the past and releases itself into the present – The moment of vision, the glance of the eye – Kairos as the fulfilment of time (without Christ) – How can time be said without metaphysics? – Verbalizing nouns, speaking in tautology - Temporality temporalizes itself – Dasein is the ecstatic one (Taminiaux’s story) – The meaning of finitude – End-ly time –Towards oneself! Existing as the nullity that I am - Sketch of a critique of Heidegger on time: the primacy of the past over the future.

Introductory music: “Esse” by Zenon Marko. © 2019 Disreality. Included with permission.