Apply-Degger: A Podcast with Simon Critchley | Episode 13: Anticipatory Resoluteness


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What do death and the concrete situation of action have in common? – A puzzling footnote on sin – Holding-for-true as the certainty of conscience – Resoluteness is repetition – How death has power over Dasein’s illusions – Sober anxiety – The presence of Freud(e) in Being and Time – Joy - Discourse on the method – How we must do violence to ourselves in order to become authentic – Virtuous circularity – How do we conceive the unity of the self? – Heidegger’s relation to Kant’s ‘I think’ – How Kant is both right and wrong – Kant’s response to Hume on the self – Cogito without an ergo sum – Self as activity (Fichte) – Heidegger on the constancy of the self – Dasein is itself in the silent resoluteness of action in a situation – The constancy of the self consists in repetition – performance – Descartes’ dilemma with the cogito and Heidegger’s attempt to think self without ground – We are our acts, nothing more.

Introductory music: “Esse” by Zenon Marko. © 2019 Disreality. Included with permission.