Will Rawls

Photo: Luis Rodriguez


Will Rawls is a New York-based choreographer and dancer, exploring the intersections of embodiment, language and power in performance, writing, video, sculpture and installation. He has presented work at the Museum of Modern Art, MoMA PS 1, the Henry Art Gallery, the Chocolate Factory, Pace Live, REDCAT and others. His next work, [siccer], will premiere at The Kitchen (NY, NY) in 2023 and continue on a national tour. He has received fellowships and residencies from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Herb Alpert Foundation, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, United States Artists, the Rauschenberg Foundation, the MacDowell Colony, and several universities and museums. In 2020-2021, he held an appointment as the UC Regents Professor in UCLA’s Department of World Arts and Cultures. In 2016, Rawls co-curated Lost and Found—six weeks of performances at Danspace Project that addressed the intergenerational impact of HIV/AIDS on dancers, women, and people of color. He lectures widely in academic and community contexts and his writing has been published by the Hammer Museum, MoMA, Museu de Arte de São Paolo, Dancing While Black Journal, Artforum and This Is Not A Gun.

Will Rawls is a participant of The School of Infinite Rehearsals of Οnassis AiR 2020-21 and of the Tailor-made Fellowships program 2022-23.