Eric Baudelaire

Photo: Marc Domage

Eric Baudelaire (b. 1973) is an artist and filmmaker based in Paris, France.

After training as a political scientist, Baudelaire established himself as a visual artist with a research-based practice incorporating photography, printmaking, and video. Since 2010, filmmaking has become central to his work. His feature films “Un Film Dramatique” (2019), “Also Known As Jihadi” (2017), “Letters to Max” (2014), “The Ugly One” (2013), and “The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi and 27 Years Without Images” (2011) have circulated widely in film festivals (including Locarno, Toronto, New York, FID Marseille, and Rotterdam). When shown within exhibitions, Baudelaire’s films are part of broad installations that include works on paper, performance, publications and public programs, in projects such as “APRÈS” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and “The Secession Sessions”, which traveled to the Berkeley Art Museum, Bétonsalon in Paris, Bergen Kunsthall and Sharjah Biennial 12. Baudelaire has had monographic exhibitions at the Witte de With, Rotterdam; the Fridericianum, Kassel; the Beirut Art Center; Gasworks, London; and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. He has participated in the 2017 Whitney Biennial, the 2014 Yokohama Triennale, Mediacity Seoul 2014, and the 2012 Taipei Biennial. His work is in the collections of the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, the MACBA in Barcelona, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and M+ in Hong Kong.

In 2019 Baudelaire was the recipient of a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, and the Prix Marcel Duchamp.