
Boarding Pass for Autism – Thessaloniki



Addressed to

The personnel of the Thessaloniki International Airport “Makedonia” and the broader airport community

Dates & Hours

Monday 9 March 2020 | 9:00-13:00 & 14:00-18:00

Tuesday 10 March 2020 | 9:00-13:00


Free Admission


T: +30 210 3713 000


For the first time ever, the Thessaloniki Airport “Makedonia” welcomes the innovative program “Boarding Pass for Autism”. The airport opens its gates and trains its personnel, aiming at enabling children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to fly.

According to a famous saying, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

This year, the “Boarding Pass for Autism” program of the Onassis Foundation spreads its wings, in order to inform and train the personnel of the Thessaloniki Airport.

Informative lectures and experiential activities reveal the way in which travelers with ASD perceive the busy airport environment.

So welcome to an airport where the stress experienced by people with ASD can be reduced through knowledge and through the familiarization and awareness of the personnel and other fellow passengers.


Training of the personnel of the Thessaloniki International Airport “Makedonia” and the broader airport community.


Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Psychology at Athens University (Academic Lead)
Aggeliki Gena
Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Psychology at the American College of Greece, Deree College (Academic Team Member)
Katingo Hadjipateras-Giannoulis
Special Education Teacher (Academic Team Member)
Katerina Drosinou
Special Education Teacher
Katerina Drosinou
Erifylli Tsirempolou
Concept Conception and Design
Christina Panagiotakou
This educational program was created by the Onassis Foundation, in collaboration with Athens International Airport, under the academic aegis of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and with the generous support of Αegean Airlines.