Daniel Wetzel

Daniel Wetzel is a member of the German-Swiss artists label Rimini Protokoll. Since 2000, they have created more than 120 different works in the fields of performing arts, live art, radio, and installations.

Central to their work is the further development of art and performing arts to allow for unconventional views on our reality. Their collaborations with the Onassis Stegi include the hyperrealistic multiplayer video set “Situation Rooms” (2014); the piano piece about a ruin of the future, “Odos Lithis / Road to Oblivion,” as part of the “X Apartments” project (2015); “Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, Vol. 1&2” (2016); the John Cage adaption “Evros Walk Water pt. 1&2” (2015-17); the multiplayer cloud piece for teenagers “Bubble Jam” (2018); and the performance by the grandchildren of Cuban revolutionaries about their grandparents, “Granma: Trombones from Havana” (2019).

They have received several awards, including the Silver Lion of the Venice Biennale (theater), the European Theater Prize ‘New Realities’, the German National Awards for drama (Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis) and theater (Der FAUST, special award). Daniel lives in Athens and Berlin. The Onassis Foundation is currently supporting an illustrated compendium about the 20 years of Rimini Protokoll, edited by Imanuel Schipper.