Anton Kats

Photo: Paris Tavitian

Anton Kats (b. 1983, Ukraine) is an artist, musician and dancer.

Anton's practice derives from informal everyday relationships within a vibrant neighborhood in Kherson, Ukraine, and is complemented through necessity and pragmatics of self-legalization in Europe via entering formal institutions of education.

Developing practice-driven research projects, Kats explores ambiguity of art practice as a question of agency and intentionality and develops site-specific work engaging with structures of self-organization, self-education, marginalized people and the non-normative.

Amongst others he has been working with non-governmental organizations in St. Petersburg, Berlin, Kingston and London developing artistic interventions, programs and exhibitions together with the residents of the cities margins. His works have been exhibited and performed in venues including the Serpentine Galleries, Tate Modern, Tate Britain, Victoria and Albert Museum, The Showroom gallery and at the "documenta 14" in Athens and Kassel.