Amalia Pappa
Photo: Nikolas Mastoras
Deputy Director of the General State Archives (G.S.A.). Graduate from the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with postgraduate studies in post-Byzantine law (diploma D.E.A.) at the Sorbonne University (Paris I).
Director of the Historical Archives of Macedonia (1989-1992) and head of the Departments of Planning and Co-ordination, Contemporary Archives and Library and Reading room in the G.S.A. - Central Service from 1992 until 2019. Project manager in EU programs participating in the relevant Committees and Working Groups. Chairman in committees for the organization of international conferences and meetings for archives. Curator of exhibitions of archival material and editor for the exhibitions’ catalogs respectively.
Scientific associate on archives of the Coalition of the Left and Progress party (1998-2000), and scientific coordinator of the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI) for the classification, documentation and digitization of archives of Greek Members of European Parliament (MEPs). Head of the Cavafy Archive archival documentation and classification and a scientific associate of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, for the archival documentation of the Onassis Archive (2018- ). A member of the General Council of Libraries (2021- ).
Main speaker in conferences and seminars on Archives and History of Institutions and author of papers on the same topics in collective volumes and scientific journals.
Chairman of the Society of Hellenic Archives board, national representative at international archives conferences and corresponding member of the International Council of Records Archives Committee (C.L.M./I.C.A.) for several years. Member of the Society of American Archivists (S.A.A.), the Greek Legal History Society and the Ethics Committee of the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI).
Cavafy Goes to School - For adults 2018-2019
Onassis Library
He Asked about the Quality―
Seven Poems, Seven Lessons
Onassis Library
Through the Walls
New York
An international committee for a global Cavafy
Educational program
School Visits to Cavafy
Cavafy Archive