Photo: Stelios Tzetzias

Onassis Stegi

Οnassis Stegi lies at the heart of Onassis Culture, the Onassis Foundation's cultural engagement.

Over the last 15 years, Onassis Stegi has been a dynamic space where contemporary creativity intersects with aesthetics, science, and the arts. It reminds us that culture is not just something we observe, but something we actively experience and are transformed by, opening new pathways for society and our shared future.

In its 15-year history, Onassis Stegi has hosted more than 15,000 productions and festivals, drawing in over 1,750,000 spectators who have experienced the vibrant pulse of contemporary creativity. It serves as a dynamic home for bold, innovative Greek and international artists, offering them a platform and support to explore new artistic frontiers.

Onassis Stegi is also a unique space where contemporary culture intersects seamlessly with aesthetics, science, and critical thinking. It fosters essential conversations, challenging stereotypes and encouraging thought-provoking questions about democracy, freedom, justice, and intellectual growth, ultimately inspiring ideas and actions aimed at building a better society. Here, the boundaries between science, art, society, education, and politics are continually redefined.

Through its Touring Program, Onassis Stegi has emerged as an influential ambassador for contemporary Greek creativity internationally. Since 2011, it has supported Greek artists in showcasing their work at internationally recognized festivals such as the Avignon Festival and the International Theater Amsterdam. More than 100 theater, dance, and music productions have toured to 56 countries and nearly 200 cities worldwide, fostering meaningful dialogues between contemporary Greek creativity and international audiences.

Located on Syggrou Avenue, the Onassis Stegi building is the vibrant center of these diverse activities, hosting theater, dance, music, film, visual arts, and digital performances. Yet, its influence extends far beyond the walls of its iconic building, reaching into the heart of Athens and inspiring the broader cultural fabric of the city.


  • Onassis Foundation