Dance On, Pass On, Dream On

Dance on — a Europe of ageless movement. Pass on — a Europe that values its dance heritage. Dream on — a Europe where every body matters.

Dance On, Pass On, Dream On is a cooperation project addressing ageism in the dance sector and in society.

11 renowned European dance institutions are working towards a Europe where older dancers are valued for their experience and charisma, where our common European dance heritage is cherished and serves to inspire younger artists, and where older people are respected and engage in meaningful, creative activities.

DIEHL+RITTER (DE), Codarts University of the Arts in Rotterdam (NL), Compagnie Jus de la Vie | Age on Stage (SE), Holland Dance Festival (NL), Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia (SL), Sadler’s Wells (UK), STUK House for Dance, Image & Sound (BE), Mercat de les Flors (ES), Station Service for Contemporary Dance (SE), KUMQUAT Productions (FR), Onassis Stegi (GR)