Presentation of the Onassis National Transplant Center

A health project on a national scale from the Onassis Foundation

It's a matter of health. It's a matter of culture.

Photo: Mike Tsolis

A hospital for everyone

Onassis Foundation President, Antony Papadimitriou, announces the creation of the Onassis National Transplant Center. A hospital dedicated to solid organ transplants, with a total budget of 100 million Euros, equipped with cutting-edge technology and including the first autonomous transplant unit exclusively for children in Greece, the Onassis Pediatric Unit, which will offer high-level Pediatric Cardiology & Pediatric Heart Surgery services. A center which also has special provisions in place for the treatment of uninsured patients. A hospital open for everyone. The presentation of the Onassis National Transplant Center was held on Wednesday 31 October at the Onassis Stegi.