
This cannot be done in isolation

In order to not become insular, fragmented or introverted, Onassis AiR collaborates with like-minded institutions, artist-run initiatives, fantastical and real experiments, in Greece and in other parts of the world. These collaborations manifest themselves in various ways —sometimes pro-actively and sometimes intuitively and spontaneously.

Borrowing a text written by philosopher and curator Daniel Blanga Gubbay, in his essay “The Möbius strip. On fictional institutions”, the Möbius strip could act as a metaphor for how Οnassis AiR approaches collaborations: “… I would like to propose to shift the paper circle into the figure of the Möbius strip, a figure discovered by Möbius in 1858. It is enough to disconnect the band and link it once more, turning one of the two sides. What does this gesture produce? The Möbius strip is a band producing a continuous surface that has one side and one border, and in which one can no longer distinguish the differences between the inside and the outside. I was looking at the band as the image of an institution, having defined limits, protecting and creating an inside and an outside, and sometimes hosting fiction. And yet – while losing the boundaries – the band still has a precise shape: the small model does not dissolve in a flexible and liquid one, infiltrating qualities that often imply precariousness and vulnerability. It reclaims its solidity: yet it hosts and is hosted by fiction, suggesting to welcome and produce events that are really unexpected, in order to create their own possibilities.”